Bollywood star Singham star Ajay Devgn is going to open multiplexes across the country. According to the talks, Ajay has already bought two single screen theaters in GURUGRAM. Now he is going to invest Rs 600 crore to open new multiplexes in the far-flung areas of the country.
Ajay is planning to invest 600 crore in his multiplex venture in the next five years. Ajay said that my purpose is to open 250 screens in the northern and southern regions of the country.
The first launch of Ajay Devgan's multiplex venture will be in Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh in June. Ajay Devgan's latest comedy movie, De De Pyaar de ‘is released. This year Ajay Devgan's ‘ Total Dhamal' was also released. The movie performed best at the box office.